Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. And again, I say "Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
Remember that episode of the Cosby Show when Denise made Theo a designer shirt. The infamous Gordon Cottrell (may not be spelled correctly), yep that is what envision every time I attempt to sew something silky.
I am not happy right now, it’s the end of my month of sewing Tops/Blouses, and I have only completed (hemmed and wearable), three tops. Actually that is good for me considering the month that I have had and the little sewing time that I was able to take advantage of this month. My goal was 5, so of course I want to rush and try to finish these two I have on my table. I am OCD, so I must get them done by tomorrow or I will turn into a pumpkin.
This post is about my inability to sew a straight line and or have a decent hem on anything silky and or slinky. I have watched the videos, read the books and practiced (boy I need more practice). I have not yet mastered this concept. I have a closet full of knit tops, nothing silky or slinky because I am deathly afraid of what the outcome will be once I get on the hemming end.
I have a Janome 6600 Professional that came with a walking foot. I use it every time I sew something silky and it still comes out wonky. I am determined to get this even if I have to glue my butt to my chair and sew silk remnants until my freaking fingers bleed (no not really), but I let nothing conquer me.
Help please!, LOL, “NO I MEAN IT”.